17 March 2014

Two Two's Aint Four

The world is always divided with one group supporting this side and another section of people backing the other. And we beings Indians will have to support either the Congress or BJP when it comes to politics. Unless you are in Kerala or West Bengal, where the bidi for matchstick jokes run in the blood. Fortunately, I happen to be from the former. And yes, I am proud to be a Keralite. There are problems like corruption issues and more so, worker unions disrupting work; even when the work done is for the betterment of the place. But all that said and done, I love my people. And the wonderful weather. And the supremely classy greenery. One just does not appreciate its beauty until one steps into another world and realize how better it could have been. God’s Own Country indeed!

As much as I'm a non-partisan, when someone asks me if I support Congress or BJP, I won’t be surprised to see them look “huh” if I say CPI. It’s kinda like the same way, if I say Royal Enfield when asked if I prefer Petrol or Electric cars. Ok, when you are the type like your dads gives you a car when you are 8, you tend to be a car fanatic; or the case where your mom is worried about the two wheeler’s safety (or lack of it); you don’t have a choice but to drive four wheelers. You again tend to fall in love with cars. Or you have to be like couple of them who, simply put, hates two wheelers. You may end up loving cars that way too. If you do not fall in neither of these categories, and still do not drive a bike, you either do not know how to or does not like people watching you ride a mere two wheeler. The Puchham!!

Honestly, I do not know a better and simpler way of saying this. When you try out driving a good bike on a good road the feeling that you get is quite sensational. I don’t mean any offence to car-lovers. I am part of that pack too. But I’m just saying it’s different. Be it the swift superbikes or the cool cruisers, they induce a fantastic feeling of satisfaction

To know what it is like to really drive a two wheeler, you need to go into cruise mode on a drive. Read Royal Enfield. And for the really capable, that would mean a Harley. It’s something which you can understand only when you do it. Unlike the feeling of being part of the car, you feel that you are the system when you hit the road in one of these. There is nothing to stop you from being you. The sound of the engine, the exhaust notes and the wind are all that you hear. I just wished the holy saints had tried out an Enfield before they resorted to yoga and meditation. It bloody works! You are devoid of any other emotion/attachment. You do not have any distraction. You are one with yourself. You attain enlightenment. If you still not satisfied and NEED TO GO to the Himalayas, ride to the hills from wherever you are right now. And psst. Do it the Ladakh Leh shtyle. Can’t get any better. That alone will show you the path to happiness.

En Route: The world's highest motorable road 

Wind. This is probably the defining factor that separates bikers from car lovers. When you ride a bike, you sense a feeling of openness. A feeling that you are free and at will to go anywhere. You do not get the confined feeling that we have when taking out a car. The difference between riding a bike and driving a car is all in the mind. The former gives you the sense of freedom; the latter gives you power to unleash the machine at your disposal. Two emotions that may have been just one but are not, cause of the wind hitting your face and making your long hair go berserk. Even under bright sunlight, there is this overwhelming feeling when you ride a bike on a long straight highway, as against hitting the pedal sitting in your car with the air con ON. And not all bikes give you that feeling; which is probably why I prefer cruisers to the hot rod superbikes. There is a lot more to it than just speed.

Bajaj did make the Avenger.
But there is a reason why it will remain as wanna-be RE..

It is meant and made to be driven on long highways and show the world that fast ain’t the last word in driving. A trip in an Enfield will let you choose your accessories for the days ahead. For those who prefer a windscreen in front of the bike can have one, those willing to carry a proper tool kit can keep it with them with ease, those in love with the tent and camping kit can carry them also. These are not often possible when you ride a Ninja/R1/Duke, which tends to prioritise adrenaline to comfort, understandably so.  

Yes, I agree the lack of safety can be argued about but it doesn’t make sense. No really. A million bikes get sold every year, may be even more. And the parents don’t have a problem when daddy buys a Splendor and his son uses it when he’s old enough. But when the son decides to buy his own bike, there are safety and stability issues. Oh god…

The Royal Enfield. Period.

With the world debating over the problem of green environment and global warming, courtesy – automobiles, there seemed to be a clear line between the hybrid seekers, the electric geeks/celebrities and the hardcore petrolheads who will not let the environmental councils dilute the brute and rawness of the authentic real deal. So as the world sits down and try to come at a solution to all this, let’s take some time off. Grab your keys and get the twin wheels rolling. Thank God people do not know that bikes run on petrol..!